Monday, December 31, 2012

The Simple Gospel [Good News]

God created everything perfect and gave man a free will. Adam/Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, bringing SIN and DEATH into the world. Eden and perfection were lost because of this and all people since are born spiritually DEAD and in SIN. God is LOVE and God is JUST, but no sin can enter heaven, so the only way to REDEEM and RESTORE all that was lost, God became a man, born of a virgin [without sin tainted blood in Him], showed the Jewish people, and others, Who He was and taught them that He was THE WAY for people to be restored and made righteous again in God's sight. 

The price of this redemption was His death [sacrifice], taking the punishment of OUR SIN upon Himself, shedding His pure holy blood so that our sin could be cleansed from us and our spiritual connection to God could be restored once again and because He rose from the grave and is alive forevermore, we can be also. Everyone is loved by God, everyone has the opportunity to receive and believe what Jesus did for us and be BORN AGAIN. 

There is no other way and no other name by which people can be born again but through believing and receiving the GIFT OF LIFE and LOVE that Jesus offers to us. We are all guilty, we all deserve death and hell. No one is or can be 'good enough' to deserve entrance into heaven and eternal life with God. No amount of good deeds, good behavior, good words or good living will bring us one bit closer to heaven. Only Jesus has the entrance key to Heaven and Life Everlasting with God Almighty. 

 It's not about a religion or becoming religious. It's not about rules or regulations. It's about having a RELATIONSHIP with Christ! Nothing else! Accept this FREE GIFT from God today. It will change your life now and forever. You will be made clean and righteous before God and you'll have a personal relationship with the Living Savior, Jesus Christ, Who will live in you when you ask Him to be your Lord and forgive you of your sins. Just ask Him right where you are! He will answer you! Do it today, you will not regret it! ♥

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Are You SURE?

Are you sure that you're saved? Are you truly born again? Do you remember the day you gave your life to Christ? The day He washed your sins away forever? The day you said, "Yes, Lord" to Jesus Christ? The day you became part of the Kingdom of God, the body of Christ, His bride? The day the scales fell from your eyes, the veil was removed from your mind? The day the Holy Spirit took residence INSIDE YOU?

Is He the first love of your life? Does He fill your heart, your mind, your soul & your spirit each day? Do you wake up each morning with Him in your thoughts? Do you go to bed each night thinking of Him?

Is He your everything? Is He your passion, your love, your all in all? Are you reading the Bible, His love letter to you? Are you spending time with Him each day, immersed in His presence? Do you hear His voice? Does your relationship with Jesus grow deeper and more intimate every day?

Do you hate sin as much as He does? Do you abhor idols and things of this world as He does? Does your sin make you want to run into His arms and ask to be forgiven or do you just let it pass and think He'll "understand your issues"?

Do you love others like He loves them? Do you desire that none perish but that all come to repentance? Do you allow the fruit of the Spirit to grow in you and produce fruit? If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Would there be ANY evidence to convict you?

Who do you say that Jesus is? Is He Alpha and Omega, Son of God, Messiah, Prince of Peace, LORD God Almighty, the Holy One of Israel to you? Does He sustain you, protect you, adore you, guide your path, light your way, guard your steps each day? Does everything in your life and in this world grow pale next to His glory and power and presence? Do you love anyone or anything MORE than Him? Do you believe His Word and trust Him completely with all that is in you? Does He have rule and reign over your life? Every part of your life?

Do you really love Him and have you really surrendered your whole being to Him? Where are your thoughts each day? Where is your money going? How are you spending your time? Are the cares of this world overshadowing Christ in you, the hope of glory? Are you focusing on your problems or the One who promises to care for you, to provide all your needs, to forever hold you in the palm of His hand, to never leave you or forsake you?

Do you KNOW Jesus? The REAL Jesus? The biblical Jesus? Or have you created a god IN YOUR OWN IMAGE instead? Is your god sitting on the back burner until you need help? Is your god sitting on a shelf until you find time to chat? Is your god a genie in a bottle, waiting for your commands? Is your god more like Santa Claus, someone you believe will bestow upon you wonderful gifts? Who is your god? Who is your true master? Is it Jesus the Christ? Are you sure?

Search your heart today, deep in the hidden parts. Search your mind, your thoughts, your works, your soul. Does Jesus live there? Is your flesh crucified each day? Is your mind being renewed by His Word? Does He truly know you? The real you? The you only you know? Are you ready to meet Him? Are you filled with His Spirit? Have you received the baptism of FIRE that Jesus commanded you to receive? Are you longing for heaven?

Do you believe that you're saved because you attend church, or read the Bible, or pray, or sing Christian songs, because your parents were Christians, or you do good deeds, or "believe in God"? Because while those things are good things, they don't save you. Only surrendering your life to Jesus Christ, asking His forgiveness for your sins and making Him Savior and Lord of your life will save you. It's an inside job. The Seed of eternal life grows from the inside out. You can be near the cross and not be ON IT! You can be close to the Gate into the Kingdom of God and not go THROUGH IT.

Are you really a Christian? Are you a child of the Most High God? Do you know that you know that you know you belong to Him and He belongs to you? When you stand before Him, will he know who you are?